The PHG male plug connector design allows to adjust and position the connector in an efficient way in order to prevent cable snaging.
Each connector can be orientated during its assembly and enables 8 positions. The connector then remains securely positioned in its orientation.
Push Pull Connectors,Standard B series,Waterproof/watertight K series,Half-moon insert S series,Standard F series,Plastic P series.
Olink company produce Plastic push pull connector with alignment key for medical applications.
Olink company produce Plastic push pull connector socket with alignment key for medical applications.
Olink company produce Plastic push pull connector socket with alignment key for medical applications.
Olink company produce Plastic push pull connector socket with alignment key for medical applications.
Olink company produce Plastic push pull connector socket with alignment key for medical applications.
Olink company produce Plastic push pull connector socket with alignment key for medical applications.